All hunters must have a valid LA small game license or a preserve license.
Dry Creek Ranch will no longer be issuing licenses.
If you were born after September 1, 1969 you will also have to provide your hunter education card number. If hunting mallards at Dry Creek Ranch Preserve you will need to purchase a STATE duck stamp only (not federal).
Keep the authorization number with you until your license arrives by mail.
Alcohol cannot be consumed prior to hunting
Guns must be plugged. No more than 3 shots allowed per gun at one time
Steel shot must be used for duck hunting
All hunters must wear orange safety vests or full orange hunting vests
Do not shoot to the rear of your group
Watch for vehicles, 4-wheelers or trucks, passing on nearby paths or logging roads
Group will stay in a straight line no more than 30 feet abreast
Shooting limited to a 45-degree angle, watch low shots!
Stay with your guide in your group. Do not wander from your group!
Carry guns on safety at ALL times
BE SAFE you cannot erase a mistake in hunting!!!!
Just a reminder for all hunters arriving for an afternoon hunt, NO Alcohol is to be consumed before arriving at the ranch. Hunting that afternoon will not be allowed.
Zero tolerance policy!
All hunters must be over the age of 12.
Our Ranch offers a main lodge as well as many cabins for an overnight stay. It is $75.00 per guest per night.
Ducks——- $7.00 per bird
Quail——-- $2.00 per bird
Pheasants- $5.00 per bird